Below you will find the contents for the application for membership to FOM. If you are interested in joining, please contact Rev. Steve Fulks at, for more information.
We approve and accept the doctrinal statement and the constitution and by-laws of Fellowship of Missions and hereby apply for membership.
- Mission name:
- Address Street: City: State: Zip Telephone: Fax: E-Mail address
- Principal Officers
- Number of missionaries
- Denominational affiliation
- What is your provision for the exercise of discipline?
- Are you directly or indirectly connected with the following organizations? Yes or No.
The World Council of Churches? The International Missionary Council? The National Council of Churches? Or any similar body in another country? If so, which? Any national Christian council, association, or fellowship in any country? If so, which?
- Are you directly or indirectly connected with the following organizations? Yes or No.
The National Association of Evangelicals? World Evangelical Fellowship? Evangelical Fellowship of Mission Agencies? Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association? Are your missionaries affiliated with any national evangelical fellowship? If so, which?
- What is the primary reason for your desire to affiliate with FOM?
- List your position regarding the charismatic movement, tongues, healing, etc.
- Will you endeavor to contribute regularly, in proportion to your ability, to the financial support of FOM? Suggested financial contribution through annual “shared funding” before the end of the FOM fiscal year, August 31: $200.00/1-25 missionaries; $250.00/25-50 missionaries; $300.00/50-100 missionaries; $400.00/100-200 missionaries; $500.00/200-500 missionaries; $1000.00/500-1000 missionaries.
- Please attach list of additional board members and their addresses.
- Please attach official list of missionaries and their fields of labor.
- Please attach copy of business minutes showing motion to apply for membership in Fellowship of Missions.
- Please attach copy of your doctrinal statement.
- Please attach copy of your charter.
- Do you agree to submit annually to FOM your doctrinal statement, up-to-date list of missionaries and their fields of service, and such other reports as will keep us informed concerning your ministries?
Signature of officer executing this application; Date; Signature; Title.