The Word of God
We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative. Loyalty to Christ and to the Word of God cannot be sacrificed or compromised at any time or for any reason. This has been our rationale for existence since our formation in 1969.
Personal Evangelism
We believe it is the duty of all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ to give a clear testimony of their faith in Him in these darkening days of apostasy.
Global Partnership
We believe the times demand the existence of a world-wide mission organization for fellowship and cooperation consisting of like-minded mission agencies for the proclamation and defense of the gospel.
We believe that we can encourage one another, edify one another, be accountable to one another and together make a greater impact in declaring the Gospel of Christ to every kindred, tongue, tribe and nation.
The Fellowship of Missions does not engage in any cooperative efforts with liberals, cults, Roman Catholicism, charismatic’s, or with those who choose to do so.