Well, here we are, about to celebrate another Christmas! I have such fond memories of Christmases past. My parents were not believers. I became a Christian a few months before the Christmas of my senior year in high school. Rather timidly I asked my dad if he minded if I read the Christmas story from the Bible before we opened our gifts. I think totally stunned, he said sure! That began a tradition to this day in my household. These are my thoughts this Christmas season.
No Room – One Room – Many Rooms!
“And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the Inn.” Luke 2:7
No Room!
The Inn had no room for Jesus – Luke 2:7
King Herod had no room for Jesus – Matthew 2:1-12
The religious leaders of the day had no room for Jesus – Matthew 2:4-6
His home town, Nazareth, had no room for Jesus – Luke 4:16-21; 28-30
Gadara had no room for Jesus – Matthew 8:28-34
Jerusalem, the religious capital, had no room for Jesus – John 8:48-59
One Room!
“And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left.” Luke 23:33
Room was finally found for Jesus.
Had all of those who had rejected Him changed their minds? No!
Calvary, the place of a skull, is where they found room for Jesus.
They nailed Him to a cross, between His own creations, heaven and earth.
In all of God’s creation, for His Son there was only “room” at the cross.
Many rooms!
“In My father’s house are many mansions (rooms), if it were no so, I would have told you.” John 14:2
Jesus suffered “NO ROOM” that there might be “MANY ROOMS!”
“No room – one room – many rooms!”
Through faith in Christ the believer will never have to hear, “No room!”
The question is not does Jesus have room for us, but do we have room for Him?
Merry Christmas to you and yours. So thankful for grace that made room for us!
Maynard & Ann