2024 Annual Fellowship of Missions CEO Retreat and Conference
The Greenbrier Resort and Appalachian Bible College

Hosted by Appalachian Bible Fellowship
September 7-11, 2024
This year’s FOM CEO Retreat and Conference was a time of great blessing as we came together for encouragement, fellowship, and learning. Dr. Dan Anderson, his wife, Rosalie, and the ABC staff made our time together so refreshing.
For our Annual FOM CEO Retreat we enjoyed a unique time at the Greenbrier Resort and sat under great exposition of the Word focusing on the life of Moses by Dr. Howard Wilburn and Dr. Gary Anderson. We also spent a portion of Sunday evening reflecting on God’s blessing during the past year as well as challenges we face as mission agencies.
This year’s conference held at Appalachian Bible College had as its theme, “Mobilization: Understanding TRENDS and gaining TRACTION”. Mark Vowels of Bob Jones University and Phil Peterson of IBMGlobal shared with us the importance of understanding the next generation of potential missionaries and how to interact with them. Our worship leader, Dr. Dan Anderson, Appalachian Bible Fellowship, always directs our thoughts and hearts towards the Lord through Scripture meditation and music.
Next year’s meetings will be hosted by Biblical Ministries Worldwide in Lawrenceville, GA. The dates are September 6-10, 2025. Along with our agency members, we especially invite agency leader guests to be with us for both the FOM CEO Retreat (guests are free) and the Annual Meeting (Free registration).
Judy and I have count it a rich privilege serving alongside these godly, dedicated mission agency leaders and wives. Truly we are striving to reach the world for Christ together!
In the Master’s hand,
Steven L Fulks
Fellowship of Missions